Welcome! Welcome!


Do you want a cup of green tea?

Waiter - Tom

Please enjoy a green tea!

Waitress - Mary

Before arriving the world of Tiff, I have to introduce a bit of myself. I am Tiffany Ho, a third year student of City University of Hong Kong. My major is English, I also speak fluent Japanese and Manadrian. I hope that one day, the languages I leant can aid me to travel around the world. I've been to Japan, Singapore, Korea, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, the U.S., Canada, and Europe including Czechoslovakia.

Travelling offers me opportunities to see new things, meet nice people, get to know different cultures. In the world of Tiff, I've chosen to share with you my experience to Japan.

I've been there for almost seven times. I treasured every moment in Japan. Do hope that my experience can let you know more about it. At the same time, I hope you can let me see the world in different horizons. E-mail me to share any of your unforgettable travel experience.

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